30 September 2010

Finland Meetings Report / September 2010

Helsinki Metro Area 
The quickest way to describe my meetings in Finland last week was FANTASTIC!  Thursday night ended up to be a men's meeting in a town outside of Helsinki. Saturday was a men's retreat at a nearby church camp near Helsinki. The Sunday service was a combined meeting of a larger 300+ church in their facility with a smaller church. And finally a Monday evening meeting with a local Full Gospel Business Men's meeting in Espoo.

The bottom line was the Holy Spirit showed up and ministered in each meeting. The Finnish people were touched with God's love. Besides the public meetings, I had a number of opportunities to pray for individuals both after the meetings and other locations.
Estonia Day Trip
Tuesday, I took a day trip on a two hour ferry ride from Helsinki, Finland to Tallinn, Estonia to have lunch with an Estonian pastor I had met during the Baltic trip in May with Paul Cole. My friend drove up from the city of Parnu about two hours away.Over lunch, we talked about my heart to minister to men and parents about their children. Pastor Janno was very interested in this topic. After lunch, he drove me downtown to the Estonian Pentecostal Christian Church Headquarters. He wanted to introduce me to the bishop in charge of the Estonia's Pentecostal churches. Bishop Lilleorg delayed a start of a meeting so he could spend some time with me. I also met the bishop's brother who pastors the downtown church. Both were interested in this new ministry approach to men. They asked for an audio copy of my sermon that they could listen to and get a deeper understanding of this topic. We'll see what the future brings with Estonia.

Joint Men's Meetings between Helsinki and Tallinn
While with Pastor Janno in Tallinn and with Kimmo Janas in Helsinki, I spoke to both of them about the possibility of doing a joint country men's meeting either in Helsinki or Tallinn. The cities are so close together and have such similar cultures that it would be great to bring the men of both countries together and form a greater dynamic force to reach more men in both countries. Both men expressed a sincere interest in trying to make this happen even as early as next spring.

Scheduled Back To Finland in May & September 2011
At this point, I'm already scheduled to preach again on at Hyvinkää Pentecostal Church's Sunday morning service on 15 May 2011.

On Saturday 7 May 2011, I will be on a motorcycle ride with the Finnish Christian Motorcycle Club, Gospel Riders. They have an all day ride to Turku, Finland and back for an open air service at the Lieto Lutheran Church. In the past, this annual event has had an attendance of hundreds of cyclists from all over Finland. Gospel Riders National President, Mika Saarin, is loaning me his BMW Motorcycle to ride. It will be fun to be "back in the saddle" again.

The September 2011 dates and locations have not been firmed up yet but I'll post them here and on my First Step Ministries website calendar page when I have them.

Rev. Lawrence Blakeslee
Missionary to Europe & Asia

More Info:
Gospel Riders
First Step Ministries, Inc.

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